When “Booty Patrol” is Not on Duty: The Comical Yet Serious Legal Implications of Impersonating Emergency Vehicles in Florida

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The Curious Case of Florida’s ‘Booty Patrol’: A Legal Exploration

In a turn of events that sounds more like a script from a slapstick comedy, a Florida driver faced legal consequences for cruising around in a Chevy Silverado decked out in “Booty Patrol” regalia, complete with unauthorized red and blue lights. This incident, while comical in its absurdity, casts a spotlight on the serious legal ramifications of masquerading as emergency personnel. 

Key Points: 

  • Florida’s latest fashion trend in illegal vehicle modification features a Chevy Silverado dressed up as a “Booty Patrol” vehicle, complete with emergency lights. 
  • According to Florida’s fashion police, also known as the law, chapter 316, Section 2397, accessorizing your vehicle with red, white, or blue lights is a major faux pas unless you’re an actual emergency vehicle. 
  • Blue lights are particularly exclusive, reserved only for the crème de la crème of emergency vehicles – like police cars. 
  • If you’re caught sporting these illegal accessories, you might get cited with a noncriminal traffic infraction, which is like getting a ticket to the fashion jail for vehicles. 
  • Impersonating an emergency vehicle isn’t just a legal no-no; it’s like wearing socks with sandals – it confuses and alarms the public. 

Under the glitz and glamor of the “Booty Patrol” truck’s lights lies a serious violation of Florida Statute 316.2397. This law, which probably wasn’t designed with the ‘Booty Patrol’ in mind, strictly prohibits the use of emergency-style lights on non-emergency vehicles. Think of it as the fashion rulebook for cars, where red, red and white, or blue lights are the ultimate accessory no-nos unless you’re a legitimate emergency responder. 

Getting caught with these lights can land you in hot water – or a traffic court, to be more precise. It’s like getting caught by the fashion police, but with actual legal consequences. And if you’re thinking of using these lights to pull someone over, that’s a fashion disaster that could escalate to a misdemeanor, which is the legal equivalent of wearing a ball gown to the beach. 

The “Booty Patrol” incident, while humorous on the surface, is a reminder that imitating emergency vehicles is a serious legal matter in Florida. It’s akin to wearing a superhero costume and expecting to fly; it’s not just unrealistic – it’s illegal. So, next time you think about jazzing up your vehicle, remember leave the emergency lights to the professionals, or you might just end up being the butt of the joke. 


  • Florida Senate. (2021). Chapter 316 Section 2397 – 2021 Florida Statutes. Retrieved from www.flsenate.gov. 
  • FindLaw. (2019). Florida Statutes Title XXIII. Motor Vehicles § 316.2397. Retrieved from codes.findlaw.com. 
  • LawServer. (2023). Florida Statutes 316.2397 – Certain lights prohibited; exceptions. Retrieved from www.lawserver.com. 
  • Florida Senate. (2023). Chapter 316 Section 2397 – 2023 Florida Statutes. Retrieved from m.flsenate.gov. 
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