Asbestos Lawsuits

An asbestos lawsuit pertains to legal actions filed by individuals who have suffered health issues due to exposure to asbestos, a mineral once commonly used in industries for its fire-resistant properties. These lawsuits allege that companies manufacturing or using asbestos-containing products failed to warn about the associated health risks. Individuals filing asbestos lawsuits claim damages for conditions like lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma, often asserting negligence and product liability. Asbestos lawsuits come in various forms, including personal injury claims, wrongful death suits, and class actions, seeking compensation for medical expenses, pain, suffering, and lost wages. The legal proceedings have prompted regulations on asbestos use and substantial financial consequences for implicated companies. Below you will find a collection of news articles on this topic.  
Understanding the Asbestos Fallout from the Tustin Hangar Fire  The Tustin hangar fire, a significant event in Southern California’s history, occurred on November 7, 2023, when a massive World War II-era wooden hangar at the former Marine Corps Air Station Tustin was completely engulfed in flames. This incident not only destroyed a historic structure but...
Legal and Environmental Implications of Tustin Hangar Demolition  The demolition of the Tustin hangar, a significant event in Tustin, California, has raised several legal and environmental concerns. The process, complicated by recent high winds, necessitates a careful examination of its legal implications, especially concerning air quality, public safety, and environmental regulations.  Key Points:  Air Quality...
Environmental Crime in Focus: Bristol County Developers Indicted for Asbestos Exposure In a development that brings environmental crime into stark focus, a grand jury in Bristol County has indicted three developers and their companies on 104 counts of violating the state’s Clean Air Act. The indictment follows an investigation into the demolition of the former...
In April, the doors of Mitchell Elementary School in Southwest Philadelphia were closed, leaving students to navigate virtual learning for several weeks. Subsequently, they were relocated to another school, where they continued their studies for the remainder of the term. All of this was due to the discovery of asbestos within the school’s aging walls,...
In a development that brings environmental crime into stark focus, a grand jury in Bristol County has indicted three developers and their companies on 104 counts of violating the state’s Clean Air Act. The indictment follows an investigation into the demolition of the former Healy Elementary School in Fall River, Massachusetts. Attorney General Andrea Campbell’s...
Asbestos, once celebrated for its fire-resistant and insulation properties, is now widely recognized for its deleterious health implications. With the myriad of legal, health, and environmental aspects tangled within asbestos utilization, especially in light of historical usage and recent occurrences, this exploration serves as a lens into the vast and multifaceted world of asbestos-related lawsuits...