Judge’s Ruling in MindGeek Child Sex Abuse Case

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Case in Combatting Online Child Sexual Abuse Material

In a landmark decision in the ongoing legal battle against child sexual abuse material (CSAM), a federal judge in Alabama has certified a class of survivors in a lawsuit against Pornhub parent company, MindGeek. This decision, made by U.S. District Judge L. Scott Coogler, allows a group of individuals, who were minors at the time they appeared in explicit content on MindGeek’s websites, to collectively pursue their lawsuit. 

Key Points in MindGeek Case:  

  • Class Action Certification: The U.S. District Judge L. Scott Coogler’s decision to certify a class of child sex abuse survivors marks a significant legal development. It allows individuals who were minors when featured in explicit material on MindGeek’s platforms to collectively pursue legal action. 
  • Critique of Content Moderation Policies: The case highlights the inadequacy of MindGeek’s current content moderation strategies in preventing the spread of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), calling for more effective measures to safeguard minors online. 
  • Legal Precedent for Online Platforms: This lawsuit sets a crucial legal precedent, emphasizing the responsibility of digital platforms in monitoring and controlling the content they host, particularly regarding illegal and exploitative material. 
  • Victims’ Rights and Protections: The case underscores the importance of upholding and protecting the rights of victims, especially children, in the digital realm. It advocates for legal remedies that address the unique harms caused by digital exploitation. 
  • Broader Impact on Similar Litigations: Following a similar class certification in California, this case indicates a growing judicial trend towards holding digital platforms accountable for CSAM. The outcomes of these lawsuits could influence future legal actions against similar online exploitations. 

Judge Coogler’s Skepticism About MindGeek’s Efforts to Curb CSAM

Judge Coogler’s remarks on the case are crucial in understanding the gravity of the situation. His decision to certify the class acknowledges the shared experiences and concerns of the plaintiffs. Coogler emphasized the constant fear these survivors live with, knowing their abuse could resurface online at any moment. 

A significant aspect of Judge Coogler’s ruling is his critical evaluation of MindGeek’s attempts to limit CSAM on its platforms. The judge expressed skepticism about MindGeek’s efforts to curb CSAM on its websites. The judge noted that the presence of CSAM has not been completely eradicated, with reports of tens of thousands of items over the years. This critique is a strong indictment of MindGeek’s content management practices and raises questions about corporate responsibility in the digital age. 

The certification of the class by Judge Coogler consolidates individual claims into a collective legal front, potentially increasing the efficacy and impact of the lawsuit. The class, covering a period from February 2011 to the present day, includes potentially thousands of victims. This broad scope signifies the extensive nature of the issue and the multitude of lives affected. 

Attorneys from firms like Levin Papantonio Rafferty and the Zarzaur Law Firm, along with the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, bring specialized knowledge in handling CSAM-related cases. This ensures that the plaintiffs’ legal arguments are robust and comprehensive. 

Alabama Lawsuit and California Case Against MindGeek

The Alabama lawsuit is paralleled by a similar class certification in California. The California case, however, encompasses both federal and state claims, providing a multifaceted legal approach against MindGeek. This dual litigation strategy could potentially strengthen the legal pressure on the company. 

Both lawsuits, filed in February 2021, allege that MindGeek failed to adequately prevent the spread of child sex abuse videos and photos on its websites and profited from this content. 

The plaintiffs are seeking not just financial compensation but also injunctive relief. This means they aim to legally compel MindGeek to implement more stringent measures to prevent the dissemination of CSAM and stop profiting from such content. The pursuit of injunctive relief is a crucial aspect. 

More Safeguards Needed for Minors

This brings to the forefront the responsibilities of digital platforms in safeguarding users, especially minors, from exploitation. It challenges the existing paradigms of content management and demands a reevaluation of how digital platforms monitor and control the content shared on their sites. 

This legal battle is set against a backdrop of increasing awareness and action against digital sexual abuse. The proliferation of CSAM on platforms like Pornhub has drawn significant media attention and public outcry, leading to calls for greater accountability and stricter regulations. 

Decision Against MindGeek Empowers Survivors

The decision by Judge Coogler to certify a class in the lawsuit against MindGeek is a landmark in the legal battle against CSAM. It not only empowers the survivors of such abuse but also sets a critical precedent in holding digital platforms accountable. As this case progresses, it will undoubtedly continue to shape the legal landscape regarding digital content management and the protection of vulnerable individuals online. 


  • Jones, D. N. (2023, December 20). Judge certifies class in child sex abuse case against porn giant. Reuters. Reuters 
  • Coogler, L. S. (2023). Doe v. MG Freesites Ltd, U.S. District Court for the Western District of Alabama, No. 7:21-cv-00220. 
  • Information on the legal proceedings and implications of the Doe v. MG Freesites Ltd case, U.S. District Court for the Western District of Alabama. Doe v. MG Freesites Ltd 
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