Man Faces Consequences After Joining Suspended License Lawsuit Hearing While Driving

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Defendant Shocks Judge During Suspended License Lawsuit Hearing

In a bizarre turn of events during a suspended license lawsuit hearing, an Ann Arbor man left the presiding judge shocked and dismayed when he joined the court proceedings via Zoom while actively driving. The incident, which took place two weeks ago, has garnered attention for its unusual circumstances and the defendant’s brazen disregard for the law.

5 Key Points

  • Corey Harris joined a suspended license lawsuit hearing while driving, shocking the judge.
  • Judge Cedric Simpson couldn’t contain his disbelief at the defendant’s actions.
  • Harris claimed to be pulling into his doctor’s office parking lot during the hearing.
  • The judge revoked Harris’s bond and ordered him to turn himself in at the Washtenaw County jail.
  • Harris’s next court date is June 5, and his defense attorney declined to comment further.

Defendant’s Actions Leave Judge Dumbfounded

Corey Harris, the defendant in the suspended license lawsuit, attended the court hearing on May 15 while behind the wheel of his vehicle. As he joined the Zoom call, Judge Cedric Simpson immediately noticed that Harris was driving and expressed his disbelief. “Mr. Harris, are you driving?” the judge asked, to which Harris replied, “Actually, I’m pulling into my doctor’s office. Just give me one second; I’m parking right now.”

Judge Revokes Bond and Orders Defendant to Turn Himself In

Upon realizing that Harris was driving while his license was suspended, Judge Simpson wasted no time in revoking the defendant’s bond. Harris was ordered to turn himself into the Washtenaw County jail by 6 p.m. that evening and would be held without bond. Visibly perplexed by the situation, the judge stated, “I don’t even know why he would do that.”

Defense Attorney Declines to Comment Further

Harris’s public defender, who was present during the hearing, asked for the case to be adjourned. However, Judge Simpson denied the request, given the circumstances of the suspended license lawsuit. The defense attorney later told FOX 2 that she “strives to live in a world where people are not jailed for non-violent offenses” but refused to provide additional comments on the case.

Defendant Faces Uncertain Future as Next Court Date Approaches

Harris’s next court date has been set for June 5 following the incident. As the suspended license lawsuit continues, the defendant faces an uncertain future, with the possibility of legal consequences for his actions during the Zoom hearing.

The case reminds individuals to take legal proceedings seriously and refrain from engaging in unlawful activities, especially during court hearings. As the suspended license lawsuit progresses, how the court will address Harris’s behavior and the outcome of his case remains to be seen.


Suspended License Lawsuit Hearing FAQ

What happened during the suspended license lawsuit hearing?

During the hearing, the defendant, Corey Harris, joined the Zoom call while driving, shocking the presiding judge, Cedric Simpson.


How did the judge react to the defendant driving during the hearing?

Judge Simpson couldn’t contain his disbelief and immediately revoked Harris’s bond, ordering him to turn himself in at the Washtenaw County jail.


What did the defendant say when the judge asked if he was driving?

Harris claimed he was pulling into his doctor’s office parking lot and asked for a moment to park his vehicle.


What consequences did the defendant face for his actions during the hearing?

The judge revoked Harris’s bond and ordered him to turn himself in at the Washtenaw County jail by 6 p.m. that evening, where he would be held without bond.


When is the defendant’s next court date for the suspended license lawsuit?

Harris’s next court date is June 5, as the suspended license lawsuit continues.



Wolchek, S., & FOX 2 Staff. (2024, May 29). Man with suspended license shocks Ann Arbor judge by joining court Zoom while driving. FOX 2 Detroit. https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/ann-arbor-judge-shocked-man-suspended-license-joins-court-via-zoom-while-driving

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