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Dutch Woman Sues The-Dream, Alleging Years of Sexual Abuse and Manipulation

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Lawsuit Claims The-Dream Used Fame and Connections to Exploit Aspiring Artist

Terius Adamu Ya Gesteelde-Diamant, better known as The-Dream, is facing a lawsuit filed by a Dutch woman who claims the renowned producer and songwriter subjected her to years of sexual, physical, and psychological abuse. Chanaaz Mangroe, also known as Channii Monroe, filed the complaint on June 4, 2024, in a California federal court, naming The-Dream, his record label Contra Paris, and Epic Records as defendants. The lawsuit alleges that The-Dream used his influence and connections in the music industry to lure Mangroe into an abusive and manipulative relationship, promising to help her achieve her dreams of becoming a successful artist.

5 Key Points

  • Chanaaz Mangroe alleges that The-Dream lured her into an abusive relationship under the guise of helping her pursue a music career.
  • The lawsuit claims The-Dream used his fame and connections with artists like Beyoncé and Rihanna to manipulate Mangroe.
  • Mangroe accuses The-Dream of repeatedly physically and sexually abusing her throughout their time working together in 2015.
  • The complaint also alleges that The-Dream controlled Mangroe’s communications with Epic Records.
  • Mangroe is suing The-Dream for sex trafficking, sexual battery, and rape and accuses Contra Paris and Epic Records of sex trafficking.

Allegations of Abuse and Manipulation

According to the complaint, Mangroe met The-Dream in 2014 at 23 and hoped to break into the music industry as a singer and songwriter. The lawsuit states that The-Dream used his influence and connections to lure Mangroe into an abusive and manipulative relationship, promising to help her achieve her dreams of becoming the next Beyoncé or Rihanna. Mangroe claims that during her first recording session with The-Dream in Los Angeles in February 2015, he pressured her to drink alcohol, smoke marijuana, and have sex with him, assuring her that it was “part of the process” and necessary for him to write hit songs for her.

The lawsuit alleges that The-Dream continued to demand sex from Mangroe whenever they were in the studio together and that he expected her to be available to him whenever he demanded it. Mangroe claims that she returned to her hotel confused but remained hopeful for what she believed was her big break in the music industry.

Escalating Control and Abuse

After the Los Angeles recording sessions, Mangroe moved to The-Dream’s hometown of Atlanta, Georgia, where she claims he became increasingly controlling. The complaint states that The-Dream required Mangroe to check in with him daily, be available whenever he called, and depend on him for everything she needed. Mangroe alleges that throughout 2015, The-Dream repeatedly physically and sexually abused her while she attempted to record her album, and that he maintained complete control over her communications with Epic Records, refusing to connect her directly with executives or include her in email or text chains.

The lawsuit also claims that Mangroe told a label executive about The-Dream’s abuse but was asked “to figure out a way to work with Dream again” in response. This alleged lack of support from the label further highlights the power imbalance and the challenges aspiring artists face in the industry.

Loss of Record Deal and Aftermath

In July 2016, Mangroe lost her deal with Epic Records, allegedly because The-Dream failed to deliver the promised records. The lawsuit states that Mangroe “lost everything” as a result of The-Dream’s actions, including her ability to work as an artist, her ability to work in the United States, and her ability to live a life free from the trauma he inflicted. The impact of the alleged abuse on Mangroe’s personal and professional life is a stark reminder of the long-lasting effects of such experiences.

Mangroe, now 33 years old and residing in the Netherlands, said in a statement, “Choosing to speak out about the trauma I survived has been one of the most difficult decisions of my life, but ultimately, what Dream did to me made it impossible to live the life I envisioned for myself and pursue my goals as a singer and songwriter.” Her decision to come forward and seek justice underscores the importance of holding abusers accountable and supporting survivors.

Legal Representation and Response

Mangroe is being represented by lawyers from Wigdor LLP, the same firm that represented Cassie Ventura in her since-settled lawsuit against Sean “Diddy” Combs. In a statement, The-Dream called the claims “untrue and defamatory,” stating that he opposes all forms of harassment and has always strived to help people realize their career goals. The contrasting statements from the parties involved highlight the need for a thorough investigation and a fair legal process to determine the truth.

The lawsuit sheds light on the potential abuse of power and influence within the music industry and the devastating impact it can have on aspiring artists. As the case progresses, it may prompt further discussions about increased accountability and protection for vulnerable individuals pursuing their dreams in the entertainment world. Mangroe’s courage in coming forward and sharing her story inspires others who may have experienced similar trauma, emphasizing the importance of speaking out and seeking support.



Q. Do you qualify for a Sex Abuse lawsuit?

A. To see if you qualify, click here.

Q. Who is The-Dream accused of abusing?

A. The-Dream is accused of abusing Chanaaz Mangroe, a Dutch woman who was an aspiring singer and songwriter when she met him in 2014.


Q. What specific allegations are made against The-Dream in the lawsuit?

A. The lawsuit alleges that The-Dream subjected Mangroe to repeated physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, including rape, sexual battery, and sex trafficking.


Q. What role did The-Dream’s fame and connections allegedly play in the abuse?

A. The lawsuit claims that The-Dream used his fame and connections with artists like Beyoncé and Rihanna to manipulate and control Mangroe, promising to help her achieve her dreams in the music industry.


Q. What happened to Mangroe’s record deal with Epic Records?

A. Mangroe allegedly lost her deal with Epic Records in July 2016 because The-Dream failed to deliver the promised records.


Q. How has The-Dream responded to the allegations?

A. In a statement, The-Dream called the claims “untrue and defamatory,” stating that he opposes all forms of harassment and has always strived to help people realize their career goals.



Strauss, M. (2024, June 4). The-Dream accused of rape, sexual battery, and sex trafficking in new lawsuit. Pitchfork.

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