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Coca-Cola Heir Ordered to Pay $900 Million in Landmark Sexual Assault Lawsuit

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Jury Delivers One of the Largest Sexual Assault Verdicts in History Against Billionaire Alki David

In a groundbreaking legal decision, Alki David, heir to a Coca-Cola bottling fortune, has been ordered to pay $900 million in damages to a former employee who accused him of sexual assault and harassment. This verdict, delivered by a Los Angeles jury, stands as one of the most significant sexual assault judgments in history, highlighting the severity of the allegations and the jury’s firm stance against workplace sexual misconduct.


5 Key Points

  • Alki David ordered to pay $900 million in sexual assault lawsuit.
  • Plaintiff, identified as Jane Doe, alleged harassment and rape over three years.
  • The case involved multiple incidents, including alleged assault during another trial.
  • The verdict marks the third ruling against David for similar allegations in recent years.
  • Lawyers hail the decision as a significant triumph for workplace sexual assault victims.


The Allegations and Lawsuit

The lawsuit, filed by a former employee identified as Jane Doe, detailed a disturbing pattern of behavior allegedly perpetrated by Alki David over three years. The plaintiff worked as a model for several of David’s companies, including Hologram USA, which creates holograms of deceased celebrities.

According to the lawsuit, the abuse began in February 2016. The plaintiff’s lawyers described David’s office environment as “alarmingly hostile,” with one room disturbingly referred to as “The Rape Room” and pornographic imagery displayed in inappropriate locations, including the human resources department (Donlevy, 2024).


Escalation of Abuse

The lawsuit alleges that the abuse escalated over time. Initially, David allegedly attempted to kiss the plaintiff during a work trip to his private island in Greece. After rejecting his advances, the plaintiff was laid off later that year.

In 2018, David reportedly invited the plaintiff to rejoin his team as a brand ambassador for his cannabis manufacturing company, Swiss-X. It was during this period that some of the most serious allegations occurred. The lawsuit claims that David invited the plaintiff to his hotel room, where he had her sample of what he claimed was a CBD product, leaving her disoriented. He then allegedly took advantage of her compromised state.

The most severe incident reportedly occurred in 2019 when David allegedly raped the plaintiff in a small room during a business meeting with his Doberman pinscher present (Donlevy, 2024).


Pattern of Behavior and Previous Verdicts

This is not the first time Alki David has faced such allegations. The lawsuit notes that at the time of one of the alleged assaults, David was on trial for another case of sexual misconduct. In that instance, he was ordered to pay $58 million to an employee who accused him of thrusting his pelvis into her face. Multiple employees have come forward with similar claims, alleging that David either attempted to force himself upon them or fired them for refusing his sexual advances. This pattern of behavior has resulted in multiple legal actions against the billionaire.


Significance of the Verdict

The $900 million verdict is noteworthy not only for its size but also for its potential impact on future sexual assault cases, particularly those involving influential individuals in the workplace. Gary Dordick, the plaintiff’s attorney, emphasized the importance of the decision: “This monumental verdict marks a significant triumph for justice and sets a precedent in the fight against workplace sexual assault” (Donlevy, 2024).

This case highlights the ongoing issues of sexual harassment and assault in the workplace, mainly when perpetrated by individuals in positions of power. It also underscores the importance of creating safe work environments and holding offenders accountable, regardless of their wealth or status.


Implications for the Future

The magnitude of this verdict sends a strong message to corporations and individuals about the severe consequences of sexual misconduct in the workplace. It may encourage more victims to come forward and seek justice, knowing that the legal system can deliver significant verdicts against powerful defendants.

Moreover, this case may prompt companies to reevaluate and strengthen their policies and procedures regarding sexual harassment and assault, fostering safer work environments for all employees.



Q. Do you qualify for a Sexual Abuse lawsuit?

A. To see if you qualify, click here.


Q. Who is Alki David?

A. Alki David is a Greek billionaire and an heir to the Coca-Cola bottling fortune. He is also known for his hologram technology company.


Q. What was the amount of the verdict in this case?

A. The jury ordered Alki David to pay the plaintiff $900 million in damages.


Q. What were the main allegations in the lawsuit?

A. The plaintiff accused David of sexual harassment and rape over three years while his companies employed her.


Q. Has Alki David faced similar allegations before?

A. this is the third ruling against David for similar allegations in recent years.


Q. What impact might this verdict have on future sexual assault cases?

A. This verdict could set a precedent for significant damages in workplace sexual assault cases and may encourage more victims to come forward.



Donlevy, K. (2024, June 19). Coca-Cola heir and hologram honcho Alki David ordered to dish out $900M to worker accusing him of ‘rape room’ attack in one of the largest sex assault verdicts in history. New York Post.

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