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Florida Man Arrested After 5-Hour Walgreens Bathroom Wait and Junk Food Spree

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Late-Night Snack Run Goes Awry in New Smyrna Beach Walgreens

In an incident epitomizing the “Florida Man” phenomenon, a man was arrested after an unusual late-night adventure in a Walgreens store in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. The suspect, identified as Christopher Morgan, allegedly hid in the store’s bathroom for hours before embarking on an after-hours junk food raid.

5 Key points

  • Christopher Morgan entered a Walgreens store at 9:40 p.m. and hid in the restroom
  • He emerged at 2:40 a.m., long after the store’s 10 p.m. closing time
  • Morgan helped himself to various snacks, drinks, and cigarettes
  • Police arrested him after responding to the store’s alarm
  • The suspect now faces multiple charges, including burglary and battery on a law enforcement officer

The Unusual Incident: A Timeline

The bizarre event unfolded on July 17, 2024, at Walgreens in New Smyrna Beach, a city known for its beaches south of Daytona Beach. According to police reports, CCTV footage shows Morgan entering the store at 9:40 p.m. and heading straight to the restroom. He remained there for approximately five hours, well past the store’s closing time of 10 p.m.

At around 2:40 a.m., Morgan emerged from his hiding spot and began wandering the aisles of the closed store. Police say he made no attempts to exit the business or call for help, suggesting that his extended bathroom stay was intentional.

Junk Food Feast: Items Taken During the Raid

Once out of the restroom, Morgan allegedly helped himself to various items throughout the store. His late-night snack selection included:

  1. Tostitos spinach dip
  2. Chips
  3. Reese’s chocolate
  4. Ghirardelli chocolate bars
  5. Dr. Pepper
  6. Newport cigarettes

This eclectic mix of junk food and tobacco products suggests Morgan was intent on indulging in a wide range of treats during his after-hours spree.

Police Response and Arrest

The suspect’s escapade ended when he triggered the store’s alarm system. Responding to the alert, police arrived at the scene just after 3 a.m. Officers spotted Morgan through the front doors of the store and caught him in the act of taking a pack of cigarettes from behind the counter.

The police released body cam footage showing Morgan inside the store. He was wearing a white T-shirt with sunglasses perched on his head. He was seen holding several items, including a bottle, as the alarm blared in the background.

Suspect’s Behavior and Statements

When confronted by the police, Morgan appeared to feign confusion. He told officers, “I came in to use the bathroom,” and claimed it was “probably 11 o’clock.” This statement was clearly at odds with the actual time and the circumstances of his discovery.

During the arrest, Morgan reportedly resisted efforts to place him in the back of a patrol car. The situation escalated when he allegedly spat on an officer after being placed in the vehicle, adding a serious charge to his growing list of offenses.

Charges and Prior Convictions

Following his arrest, Morgan was charged with multiple offenses:

  1. Burglary of an unoccupied structure
  2. Larceny-petit theft
  3. Resisting an officer without violence
  4. Battery on a law enforcement officer

Police also noted that Morgan has two prior convictions for larceny-petit theft, suggesting a similar behavior pattern.

Implications and Store Security Concerns

This incident raises questions about store security procedures and the potential vulnerabilities of public restrooms in retail establishments. It may prompt Walgreens and similar businesses to review their closing protocols and consider additional measures to prevent such occurrences.

The case also highlights law enforcement’s ongoing challenges in dealing with unusual and potentially dangerous situations in retail environments.



Q. How long did the man stay in the Walgreens bathroom?

A. Christopher Morgan stayed in the bathroom for approximately 5 hours, from 9:40 p.m. to 2:40 a.m.


Q. What items did the suspect take during his raid?

A. He took various snacks, including Tostitos spinach dip, chips, Reese’s and Ghirardelli chocolates, Dr. Pepper, and Newport cigarettes.


Q. Where did this incident occur?

A. The incident occurred at a Walgreens in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.


Q. What charges does the suspect face?

A. Morgan faces charges of burglary, larceny-petit theft, resisting an officer without violence, and battery on a law enforcement officer.


Q. Does the suspect have a prior criminal record?

A. Yes, police say Morgan has two prior convictions for larceny-petit theft.



Dorgan, M. (2024, July 17). Florida man waits 5 hours in Walgreens restroom before going on after-hours junk food raid: police. MSN.

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