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Woman Sues Long Beach Transit, Alleging Sexual Assault by Security Guard on Bus

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Lawsuit Claims Transit Ambassador Displayed Explicit Photo and Made Aggressive Sexual Advances

A woman has filed a lawsuit against Long Beach Transit, alleging that a security guard, known as a transit ambassador, sexually assaulted her. At the same time, she was a passenger on one of the agency’s buses (Dobruck, 2024). The incident reportedly occurred on July 28, around 9:30 a.m., near Cherry Avenue and Anaheim Street in Long Beach, California. The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court last month, names Long Beach Transit, Allied Universal Security Services, and the unnamed security guard as defendants.

5 Key Points

  • The woman claims the security guard showed her a picture of his genitals and made aggressive sexual comments (Dobruck, 2024).
  • When the woman tried to move away, the guard allegedly brushed his hand against her buttocks (Dobruck, 2024).
  • Long Beach Transit stated that the security guard was promptly removed from their position upon learning of the incident (Chavarria, as cited in Dobruck, 2024).
  • The woman’s attorney, Charles M. Ray, said his client was now afraid to take the bus and that the guard’s behavior was a betrayal of trust (Dobruck, 2024).
  • The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages for battery, assault, negligence, and infliction of emotional distress (Dobruck, 2024).

Alleged Incident and Long Beach Transit’s Response

According to the lawsuit, the transit ambassador approached the woman on the bus, pulled out his phone, and displayed a picture of what he claimed to be his penis (Dobruck, 2024). He then allegedly made aggressive sexual comments, suggesting that the woman would engage in sexual acts with him while he was on the clock. When the woman attempted to move away, stating that the comments were inappropriate, the security guard reportedly brushed his hand against her buttocks intentionally (Dobruck, 2024). Long Beach Transit spokesperson Arantxa Chavarria stated that upon learning of the situation, the security guard “was promptly removed from their position” (Dobruck, 2024).

Victim’s Attorney Speaks Out, Alleges Betrayal of Trust

Charles M. Ray, the attorney representing the woman, described the security guard’s behavior as “disgusting” and a betrayal of trust (Dobruck, 2024). He stated that his client boarded the bus that day, believing it to be a safe means of transportation, but instead, she was sexually assaulted and is now afraid to take the bus (Dobruck, 2024). The lawsuit also alleges that when the woman attempted to complain to supervisors at Allied Universal Security Services, the company contracted by Long Beach Transit to provide transit ambassadors, her calls were not returned (Dobruck, 2024).

Police Investigation and Long Beach Transit’s Cooperation

The woman filed a police report a few days after the incident, but the current status of the investigation is unknown to her attorney (Dobruck, 2024). Long Beach police confirmed that they took a report of sexual battery. However, after numerous failed attempts by detectives to contact the victim for follow-up, the case was suspended (Stachura, as cited in Dobruck, 2024). Long Beach Transit has cooperated with the investigation and intends to do so with the legal proceedings (Chavarria, as cited in Dobruck, 2024).

Lawsuit Seeks Damages, Allied Universal Declines to Comment

The lawsuit, which names Long Beach Transit, Allied Universal Security Services, and the unnamed security guard as defendants, seeks unspecified damages for battery, assault, negligence, and infliction of emotional distress (Dobruck, 2024). A representative for Allied Universal declined to comment on the pending litigation (Dobruck, 2024).



Q. Do you qualify for a sex abuse lawsuit?

A. To see if you qualify, click here.

Q. What are the allegations against the security guard in the lawsuit?

A. The lawsuit alleges that the security guard showed the woman a picture of his genitals, made aggressive sexual comments, and intentionally brushed his hand against her buttocks (Dobruck, 2024).


Q. How did Long Beach Transit respond to the incident?

A. Long Beach Transit stated that the security guard was promptly removed from their position upon learning of the situation (Chavarria, as cited in Dobruck, 2024).


Q. What damages does the lawsuit seek?

A. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages for battery, assault, negligence, and infliction of emotional distress (Dobruck, 2024).


Q. What is the status of the police investigation into the incident?

A. Long Beach police took a report of sexual battery, but after numerous failed attempts to contact the victim for follow-up, the case was suspended (Stachura, as cited in Dobruck, 2024).


Q. According to her attorney, How has the incident affected the woman?

A. The woman’s attorney, Charles M. Ray, stated that his client was now afraid to take the bus and that the guard’s behavior was a betrayal of trust (Dobruck, 2024).



Dobruck, J. (2024, June 5). Lawsuit says security guard on Long Beach Transit bus sexually assaulted passenger. Long Beach Post News.

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