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Student Files Lawsuit Against Villanova Over Alleged Sexual Assault

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Campus Incident Sparks Legal Action

A Villanova University sophomore has initiated legal proceedings following a reported sexual assault on campus. The lawsuit, filed in Philadelphia, names the university, off-campus housing entities, and a former student as defendants. This case has brought attention to campus safety issues and institutional responsibility at the prestigious Pennsylvania University.

5 Key Points

  • A female Villanova student sued the university and others over a reported 2022 sexual assault.
  • The event allegedly occurred after an off-campus party on the first day of classes.
  • Former student Elijah Katzenell faces criminal charges for the reported assault.
  • Two other male students were allegedly in the room during the incident.
  • The lawsuit alleges Villanova did not adequately safeguard students.

Party Night Leads to Serious Accusations

The plaintiff, identified in court documents as C.A., recounts a troubling sequence of events from the first night of the 2022 academic year. She describes attending a large party at College Hall, an off-campus housing complex popular among Villanova students. After consuming alcohol at the event, C.A. says she became highly intoxicated within two hours.

Upon returning to campus via rideshare, C.A. visited the dorm room of Elijah Katzenell, a student she knew from her freshman year. The next thing she remembers is waking up in her own bed approximately 12 hours later, wearing unfamiliar clothing and missing her underwear. When confronted, Katzenell allegedly admitted to having sex with C.A.

Criminal Investigation Unfolds

Following C.A.’s report to the Villanova University Police Department, the case was referred to the Delaware County District Attorney’s Office. After an investigation, prosecutors charged Katzenell with sexual assault and indecent assault of an unconscious person. He was released on $1 million bail and awaits a trial scheduled for September.

The affidavit of probable cause reveals disturbing details about the alleged incident. It states that C.A. had no memory of consenting to or engaging in sexual activity with Katzenell. The document also alleges that Katzenell’s roommate admitted to “assisting” during the assault, while another male student present reportedly recorded part of the incident on video.

Lawsuit Expands Scope of Responsibility

C.A.’s lawsuit extends beyond the alleged assailants to include Villanova University and entities associated with College Hall. The legal action accuses the university of negligence, citing numerous alleged failures in protecting students and educating them about sexual assault risks, particularly during events like Sylly Night.

The suit contends that Villanova needed to train resident advisors to adequately identify and assist intoxicated students. It also claims the university failed to post resident advisors at dorm entrances to monitor students returning from off-campus activities. These allegations raise questions about the extent of a university’s duty to protect its students both on and off campus.

University Maintains Safety Commitment

While declining to comment on the specific lawsuit due to ongoing litigation, a Villanova spokesperson emphasized the institution’s dedication to maintaining a safe community for students, faculty, and staff. The university stated that it considers sexual misconduct abhorrent and does not tolerate such behavior on campus.

As legal proceedings progress, this case continues to spark discussions about campus safety protocols, the responsibilities of educational institutions, and the challenges of preventing sexual assaults in college environments. The Villanova community and many in higher education will be closely watching the outcome of this sensitive and consequential legal matter.



Q: Do you qualify for a sexual assault lawsuit?

A: To see if you qualify, click here.

Q: What is Sylly Night?

A: Sylly Night is the first night of classes at Villanova University, and it is known for student parties and social gatherings.

Q: Who are the defendants in this lawsuit?

A: The defendants include Villanova University, entities associated with the College Hall housing complex, and former student Elijah Katzenell.

Q: What criminal charges does Elijah Katzenell face?

A: Katzenell faces charges of sexual assault and indecent assault of an unconscious person.

Q: How has Villanova University responded to the lawsuit?

A: Villanova has not commented on the specific lawsuit but affirmed its commitment to student safety and zero tolerance for sexual misconduct.

Q: Were any other students involved in the alleged incident?

A: According to the lawsuit, two other male students were present in the room during the alleged assault.



Fiorillo, V. (2024, August 29). Explosive Sexual Assault Lawsuit Hits Villanova University. Philadelphia Magazine.

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